Monday, March 10, 2014



  [neg-uh-tiv]  Show IPA
expressing or containing negation or denial: a negative response tothe question.
refusing consent, as to a proposal: a negative reply to my request.
expressing refusal to do something: He maintained a negativeattitude about cooperating.
prohibitory, as a command or order.
characterized by the absence of distinguishing or markedqualities or features; lacking positive attributes (opposed topositive ): a dull, lifeless, negative character.

Isn't it amazing how much this word effects our lives?  One inch of negativity can cancel out the entire mile of positivity we as humans have acheived.  Why is this?! Doesn't this really make you angry? 

I have decided to welcome negativity back into my life, not that it really left.  Not because I'm a freak and into that weird masochism everyone rants about these days (damn you 50).  But because of one simple realization I had this morning.  

Think of the food pyramid if you will.  This is an essential half assed guide line of nutrients our body needs to be considered healthy....or my favorite term "well balanced" (HA!) I am sorry but think this pyramid is bullshit with a capital thumbs down.  I really think the pyramid shape is a great start but I truly believe people kind of know what they need in the day within reason.  You should make your OWN food pyramid and not go by the guidelines of this.  It's my opinion.  Maybe I don't want to have a serving of legumes and soy at all...EVER! I want Popeyes. No just kidding.. half kidding.... But whole grains make me feel slow, vegetables energize me, fruits are damn delicious, and I need a lot of protein and iron.

here is a visual 

Now, I assure you right now, my day does not look like this...ever.  First of all I always need to start  my "diet" on a Monday, I am not sure why, it must be a procastination defense.  And second of all a guideline like this to me seems so tacky.  But what really annoys me about the food pyramid is that the researchers never included a Lifestyle Pyramid to be next to it.  What about the essential mental and emotional servings we need per day to make us emotionally stable and well balanced.  Or my favorite fictional word "Functional."  I call it fictional because I have yet to see functionality anywhere. 

Fill in your needs.
Needless to say, negativity would be at the top of my Lifestyle Pyramid.  I need it like I need a handful of popcorn to crave my salty tooth.  I observe a lot. And on of the most common thing I hear is people always repeating this same expression give or take a few words "I'm going to just cut the negativity out of my life and surround myself with positivity." or my personal favorite "I'm Done!" I am sorry if this is going to offend you but, if our world was all positive, and if we were all "DONE!" how would we know the difference between the two forces? We'd all be glitter and rainbows and cotton candy trees.  It would be a very scary thing.  

I know I need the negativity and drama in my life so I can truly enjoy and SAVOR the good things.  Now this is just a theory not a fact.  I only ask you to consider my opinion and if you agree, then thats wonderful, if you don't then I equally think thats wonderful.  Because everyone one is different, we can't all eat the same pyramid, and we all can't be good energy.  It is what makes this world revolve and evolve.

Today someone who I won't name made a very snarky comment to me which in my eyes was negative and felt like a personal attack.  If the the old Kristen existed, I would have flipped but now that I have really sorted through some things, I really needed that person to be a dick to me because what it actually did was make me smile and it made me realize, God, I really do have my crazy blue ducks in a row.  Thank you nameless, you really gave me a good idea to write something, and in the end just gave me more power.

I then wrote my Facebook status: 
     Even if we know it's toxic. Sometimes we need certain people and things in our life so we can tell the difference between positive and negative entities.

So I bid my lovely readers adieu and please look forward to my next post about Personal Training with a real conversation I had with an amazing person and trainer. 



  2. Love your blog Kristen.. get it girl!! And I can completely relate, to having some extra weight after having my 2 kids, and the emotions. Hey I think you look amazing since high school.. hope all is well hun, keep it up!!

    1. Thank you Nikki! I really appreciate that!!!
