Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Fear smells bad...

Fear is a huge set back in life.  Fear shields us from trying new things.  Isn't life supposed to be all about taking chances and living life to the fullest? Think of a moment that you were fearful but over came it and succeeded.  I know it has happened to all of us.  Did you feel silly for even being afraid in the first place or was it the fear that drove you to take the leap of faith?

As someone who is overweight, I harbor a lot of fear in my life.  I fear being stared at for looking the way I do, I fear what friendly people to my face say behind my back when I leave, I fear the gym because it always seems every time I go the people there are spectacularly beautiful and I am tarnishing the image by my heaving , sweaty red face, and because I have yet to find a good bra for gigantic boobs, get the picture...

Its a catch 22.  I want to look good and feel good but I fear the one place that can help me reach my goal and by getting anxiety, I turn to my vice and begin again.  It is one huge vicious cycle.  I know one thing for sure is I definitely need professional help getting past all of these silly fears because in the end that is what fear is...silly. 

For the past few months I have here and there been talking to a local personal trainer.  We somehow stumbled across each other on Facebook and I noticed we had a few mutual friends and then he started posting stuff on the "town page" I started for the community.

I was really intrigued by his business name, "Transformations by Sean Michael." See transformation is an incredibly powerful word.  It's more than a change because it isn't abrupt.  A transformation is like a dramatic slow motion morph.  Nothing comes easy in life and I think this is a great gift because we appreciate the things we work for.

Sean gives that gift.  He not only owns his business, which shows he is passionate about what he does, he actually is an employee there.  He is a life coach and personal trainer which means he not only physically works with you but also WANTS to emotionally motivate you.  And may I add he does this all in the comfort of your own home? What an amazing concept. The cherry on top of this whole business is now he teamed up with a nutrition coach who really seems like she wants to help.

Sean recognizes the needs of people who have fear.  I know this because I have spoken to him about some really deep fears I have which is not always easy, and I would like to share our conversation I had with him.

So there you have it.  Coming from a true inspiration to me.  Sean Kehoe, owner of Transformations by Sean Michael.

Visit his site and get in contact with him.  He is there to help.

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