Monday, April 7, 2014

Leap of Faith....

To my fellow readers I bid you an apology for not posting.  I have been at a huge crossroad in my life and unfortunately my life wasn't allowing me the privilege of practicing my passion of writing.  I have been a ghost lately.  Not many know this but I work two full time jobs plus being a mom.  Something had to give. So I found a wonderful wolf pack family that would take Jack in as their own... JUST KIDDING!!! 

Since I last wrote, my life has changed drastically.  I guess I will start from the beginning.  

I started seeing a dietician with my cousin Ally.  We have become the dynamic dieting duo! Go us!  We are going to try to go at least once a month.  Our dietician is phenomenal.  I already lost 6 pounds from that!

I got health insurance! Yes I am finally allowed to get sick.  I went from doing rain dances to the gods above that I wouldn't catch a bug to having one of the best insurance plans available.  Working in the medical field has lots of perks.  It's so amazing how different it is to hold this little plastic card with a few letters and numbers put together to generate a member ID.  I'm human again and I need to thank God for me stumbling across my job back in October.  

Speaking of my job, the head honcho Executive Nurse reached out to me to let me know I'm in the next CNA certification course.  A course that costs $1,300 at Bergen Community College because it's like a career certificate.  She personally approved me to be in the mid-June class.  It's free of cost and I'm going to be paid for my time taking the class! (What?!!).  It's a dream.  My spirit guides and God are definitely paving this path for me and I'm finally listening to them. 

Which leads to the next giant leap of faith I took this week.  I have been working like a dog lately.  Barley getting sleep.  I have been stressed out to the max and have had no time for anything in my life.  So I decided to ask my job if they had a 7-3 full time shift available.  (I work 11pm - 7am)  Turns out they did and I asked if I could start in June so I wouldn't screw the mom of the kids I nanny during the day.  Well naturally they couldn't hold a position for me so I asked for beginning of May so I could give my boss ample time to find someone to replace me.  I got approved for May 5th! So I resigned from caring for the children to start my actual career.  I'm sad to go but like I said, something had to give before I had a nervous break down. 

Andy my boyfriend of two years moved in! This was huge in our relationship.  We have been through so much and by him moving in with Jack and me really proved a lot to me.  I am so blessed to have him in my life. (He even cooks and cleans!). But the most important part is that he is so amazing with Jack.  They are two peas in a pod. 

I am not sure if you believe in Divinity but I was guided this past month by a voice that was clear as day.  My guardian or spirit guide has enveloped me in this warm embrace because I have learned to listen by quieting down my life.  I have been blessed with the gift of empathy and claircognizance.  I know I am meant to heal people in a way that most don't understand or are not able to do.  On Thursday I am visiting The Institute for Therapeutic Massage for a tour and I will be starting Reiki classes by Spiritual Healer.  Things are looking up for me and I know that this path has been the one I was supposed to take for a very long time because for the first time in a very long time, if ever, I am at peace with myself.  

I am going to do my weekly and monthly favorites tomorrow and will be featuring a very special person in my life.  God bless you all for sticking with me and reading about my life.

If you are unhappy with your life for any reason, take a leap of faith.  You won't fall.  Your guardians are able to fly. And they won't let you down.  

Peace and Love.